Easy Breath Technique to Decrease Stress

by: Juli Heath, Yoga Instructor RYT-230

easy breath technique

Stress Relief with This Easy Breath Technique!

We’ve been doing this easy breath technique our whole life.  Think about it…The first thing we do when we’re born is inhale.  The last thing we do as a human being is exhale.  In between the first inhale and the last exhale are countless breaths; each one keeping us alive… and yet we take our breath for granted.

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Eggplant Ragout

Eggplant RagoutThis eggplant ragout is a summer favorite and sure crowd pleaser!

Eggplant ragout is a delicious Mediterranean sauce which can be eaten plain or over noodles, or grains.  I served it over quinoa and it was super yummy.  The main veggies are the first four listed, but feel free to add others if you are so moved.

I just love this time of year, because the tomatoes are ripe!  One of the greatest pleasures of life is eating a sun warmed tomato just picked off the vine.  Sigh.

One of my good friends is an amazing gardener and she gifted me with a number of goodies which are in season right now which all together make one of my favorite dishes!  I thought I would pass on my loose recipe for you to take and make your own.
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Summer Newsletter 2015

Summer Newsletter 2015Our Summer newsletter is in full bloom!

Welcome to our early summer newsletter!  We are continuing to grow and expand at the clinic in order to find new and amazing ways to keep you healthy and happy this summer.  We are adding new yoga and movement classes for all ages taught by the best of the best to support a healthier you.

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Featured in this newsletter:

Spring Newsletter 2015

Spring NewsletterOur spring newsletter is here!

Welcome to our Spring newsletter!  Spring is a time of change which is highly anticipated here in Minnesota – a time where the quiet plans of winter can be materialized into action.  We are surrounded by the movement of nature up (sprouts) and out (leaves/flowers) and bodies urge us to do the same.

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In this newsletter you can read about:



Have A Healthy Gut! Try Korean Kimchi

healthy gut kimchi

When you have a healthy gut, you have a healthy brain

Fermented foods are an easy and cheap way to keep a healthy gut and give your body the boost of nutrients it needs.  Try this great kimchi recipe!  If you would like to know more about the brain/gut connection check out this article.
Read more “Have A Healthy Gut! Try Korean Kimchi”