Answering Your Own Prayer – Day 7 of Undercover Angels
Today I would like you to answer your own prayer. Is there a silent wish that you have been making? See if you can do fulfill your wish today. It could be for a thing you have been wishing for – or it could be for a state of mind. Maybe you can be extra kind to yourself, eat your favorite treat with no guilt, go for a walk, smell some flowers (did you notice that we have them now!), call a friend or family member that you love, love love, get a book from the library that is fun, take a bath or long shower, look at the stars and breathe….
The possibilities are endless – and how lucky are we to have so many ways to fulfill our dreams. Be your own Genie, be your best friend…when your heart says, “can I..” say YES!!!!
Wondering what an Undercover Angel is? Are you interested in reclaiming your power and helping create more love and light in our world? Read more here.
We are on the last day of our first week! How has this week of self care felt? Are you feeling more full? I hope so! We will be putting a lot of our energy outward from here on it, so I hope that you will continue to keep caring for yourself in deep and profound ways. You so deserve an angel in your corner – and I hope you continue to be your own angel first and foremost!
Thank you so much for going on this journey! You are already making a huge difference in this world by caring for the miracle that is you.